

Our extended stay service offers a convenient solution for more active dogs. Each 24 hour stay is fully supervised by our staff and includes daycare, relief walks & all feeding. Live stream available during operating hours to see how your pet is doing. For the pup who is more of a homebody, we offer the convenience and personalized attention of in-home overnight stays.

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During a board at our Manhattan locations, dogs enjoy a set schedule including daily relief walks, off-leash running and playing (based on size and temperament), daily indoor/outdoor training sessions, and private suite with on-site overnight supervision. All care is under the supervision of our on-site veterinarian. Biscuits & Bath is a Full-Service facility.

Two Walks a Day

Off-Leash Socialization

24-hour Supervision

On-Site Veterinarian


Ďalšie informácie

Working times

Monday – Sunday / 24 hr (available at our 525 W52nd and LIC locations)


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